Courtney Love Nailed With Twitter Defamation Lawsuit

by Sun Kersor · January 6, 2011

    How painful 140 characters can be! Brevity, in its techie iteration, is now the soul of a defamation lawsuit against Courtney Love.

    As the Observer reports, the fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir is bringing Love to court because of her maligning tweets. The Hollywood Reporter notes that this might be the first-ever lawsuit engendered by Twitter.

    Of course, Love has many redeeming qualities: she sang Lady Gaga at Don Hill's and is an impeccable tipper.

    That said, she does find it in her nature to OD on Twitter--with a tendency toward exhibition in various states of undress.

    Naturally, she has not quite developed a filter for the photographic or verbal.

    The trial will start, perhaps appropriately, on Feb. 6 just in time for Fashion week.

    But will her lawyers defend her via social media? Time will tell...