
@Foodzie, online artisan food market that focuses on economic and environmental sustainable products, has recently been acquired by Joyus, but their insight has not been lost! It lives on within their Instagram page and under the food tab of the Joyus site. The website was started by Emily Olsen in San Francisco, but has spread to include boutique gourmet shops all over the country, especially in New York City. Every snack posted on their Instagram is a guilt-free treat for your eyes and stomach, all with the Foodzie stamp of approval. (1) Chocolate and beer, all in one and all before lunch. Today is a good day! ps - check your inbox, 15% off these bad boys. (2) Unusually warm weather today in SF. Who's complaining? Good excuse to have some frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity 3! (3) Have to wait a whole hour before we cut into our homemade apple pie. Oh cruel pie, why do you mock us with your buttery apple perfume?! (4) A lovely lunch trifecta of farro, brussels sprouts and a fried egg. Also featuring five past Tasting Box products!
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