
Elagabalus was a sexually depraved hedonist who took pleasure in other people's pain. His hobbies included dining on flamingo brains and decapitated parrots, having sex with men and women, dressing up in drag, riding around on a chariot that was harnessed by a herd of naked women while whipping them, and throwing silver and gold at plebeians from a high tower to watch them battle it out to grab them (many died in the process trying to fight for this shit BTW). Elagabalus was also an entrepreneur in that he started his own brothel and he was a real estate mogul. Real estate mogul sounds noble until you realize he built his own luxury suicide tower, complete with silk nooses and gold swords. People hated him so much that they rebelled against him and killed him themselves. As his corpse was dragged through the streets and thrown into a river, people cheered. Imagine being that hated. 

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