
Cleopatra rose to the throne at the age of 17 (I'd like to see what you bitches accomplished by then!). But she's not known for her accomplishments as much as she's known for being a total maneater. She married her 12-year-old (weird) brother (super weird) to consolidate power, only to battle him for control of Egypt (breakups can be tough). She also dated Julius Caesar, a notoriously power hungry narcissist with crippling God complex, but that's not weird because every girl has dated a guy like that. Caesar was actually married to someone else when they first started knockin' sandals, and he was also 30 years older. It was actually Cleopatra who initiated the affair. She had herself delivered rolled up inside of a Persian rug. Love it when a girl makes the first move and shoots her shot! It's why Bumble is better than Tinder. What a bad bitch though! Gotta respect that. Shakespeare also wrote an entire play about her love affair with Antony and how obsessed he was with her! But Shakespeare's lame and I don't feel like deciphering it so I can't explain it to you. That's what Sparknotes is for, bitches!

Anyways, here's Anne Hathaway dressed as Cleopatra for Halloween. God, Anne Hathaway is the worst. 

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