Original New York Speak Easy

Original New York Speakeasy
We always want what we can't have, which is why alcohol was such a prized commodity during the Prohibition era in America. In the early '20s, two daredevils did the unthinkable, by creating a secret drinking club and implemented a system of levers that tipped back the shelves of the bar, propelling the liquor bottles through a chute and into the city's sewers. Although raided time and time again, the club was never closed down and remains one of New York's oldest speakeasies. Adorned with vintage sporting and industrial memorabilia, most famously the 33 jockeys lining the exterior, put on your flapper dress and enjoy a bevvie or two at this once law-breaking, secret bar.
21 Club21 W 52nd St, New York
  21 Club [Photo via]
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