The Palm Court

The Palm CourtThat Sunday Suit will suit you well at The Plaza's Palm Court. For celebrating the traditionally dressy holiday a la Judy Garland and Fred Astaire in Easter Parade, settle in to enjoy a proper high tea service. Choose from their three curated options. First, there's the Holiday Tea, with your classic small sandwich offerings, freshly baked scones with all the spreadings, and a tower of tartes galore. Then there's the New Yorker Tea, which charmingly includes a miniature bagel and lox. And lastly, for the little ones, the Eloise Tea. Never has a peanut butter and jelly seemed so elegant. If you're still in need of a bit more decadence, there's always the candy cart on the way out. Don't even try to hold back, their homemade marshmallows are honestly divine - and after all, it is Easter. The Palm Court, 768 Fifth Avenue [Photo via @oysterandpearlblog]
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