Mystery Couple Steals Beloved Elvis Statue From NoHo Hot Spot Jolene

by Christie Grimm · November 4, 2021

    People these days!

    Last week, restaurateur Gabe Stulman's NoHo mainstay Jolene found itself not just the scene for the downtown It Crowd, but the scene of a crime! As relayed by the eatery's Instagram, a mystery couple "distracted the maitre ‘d with a faux-greeting, and stole the statue of Elvis that has looked out on this restaurant for more than 30 years; been passed down through three successive owners, and blessed thousands of nights of service."

    Calling the duo out for their egregious act of entitlement, the restaurant has posted a photo of the pair with the faces of the culprits covered. "You can almost see the culprits in this picture we’ve posted. They think they’ve pulled off some sort of clever caper. We caught one of the accomplices red-handed while the other made off with the sculpture. They’ve made it clear that they are so entitled that they think they can steal and suffer no consequences. So, we’re taking a page from the @fourhorsemenbk handbook: if these crooks don’t return the sculpture of Elvis that they have stolen in the next 24 hours, we’ll let you know exactly who they are and where to find them. You have disrespected our restaurant, our team and the history of this space. Please return the art to our restaurant. Do the right thing and change the narrative and all will be forgiven."

    The clock is ticking...

    What's your bet? Do the thieves come clean before their identities are revealed?"... stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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    [Photo by Eric Medsker courtesy Jolene]