[Brett Jutkiewricz, Ben Safdie, Liz Friedman, Kalman, Josh Safdie, Photos by CLINT SPAULDING for PMc] Yesterday, Liz Claiborne hosted the premiere of the new Red Bucket Films flick: Buttons. Guests included Isaac Mizrahi, Liz Friedman, Pam Kirkbride, Brad Caswell, and Karen Rabinovitz.
The film series, directed by Alex Kalman of Red Bucket Films is composed of short episodes of humanity. We can't think of a better way to capture the eclectic energy and spirit of New York City than by surprise.
Liz Friedman, Marguax Caniato, Sabrina Alexis Newman, Michelle Joni Lapidos
Pamela Kirkbride, Olivia Kirkbride, Brad Caswell
Brad Caswell, Jerelyn Zontini, Elisabeta Bonino, James Reynolds
Karen Rabinovitz
Katie Hintz, Rachel Raczka India-Jewel Jackson, Nola Weinstein, Alyssa Vangorder, Kara King
Isaac Mizrahi sporting some hot pink toe nails!