American Rag It-Girl Campaign Launch with Lenay Dunn and Holy Ghost
American Rag It-Girl Campaign Launch with Lenay Dunn and Holy GhostWhere: W.i.P. Who was there: Guests included Chelsea Leyland, Lenay Dunn, Nick Millhiser, Alex Frankel, Hannah Bronfman, Dia Frampton, Cory Kennedy, Tracy Antonopoulos, Claire Geist, David Yi, Jake Hammel, Lauren Valenti, Nancy Slavin, Natalie Suarez, and Stacy Eagle. Other details: Stanley Stuyvesant (@guestofaguest) tweeted:
WiP starting to fill up for celebration of the new issue of @raggedmag
Keds for #americanrag @raggedmag[Lenay Dunn, Dia Frampton] [Hannah Bronfman, Chelsea Leyland, Cory Kennedy] [Cory Kennedy, Tracy Antonopolous] [Chelsea Leyland, Lenay Dunn] [Photos via BFA]