Annabelle Dexter Jones Faith Connexion premiere collection dinner

Annabelle Dexter-Jones Faith Connexion premiere collection dinner
Where: Le Baron Who was there: Guests included Alexandre Allard, Allison Weilnd, Amanda Ross, Andre Saraiva, Ann Dexter-Jones, Ashley Smith, Aurel Schmidt, Charlotte Ronson, Christopher Bollen, Dan Ragone, Derek Blasberg, Dirk Standen, Hailey Gates, Lindsey Wixson, Mick Jones, Nina Garcia, Olivier Zahm, Paul Johnson Calderon, Peter Davis, Samantha Ronson, Sarah Hoover, Susan Standen, Tara Subkoff, Terry Richardson, Timo Weiland, and Tom Sachs. [Photo: Charlotte Ronson, Samantha Ronson via Twitter] Other details: Leila Brillson (@leilaclaire) tweeted:
At the shmancy Le Baron with Derek and Chris Bollen and Sam Ronson and Terry and everyone is smoking and it's very New York
[Annabelle Dexter-Jones] [Andre Saraiva, Lindsey Wixson] [Ann Dexter-Jones] [Terry Richardson, Andre Saraiva] [Paul Johnson Calderon, Peter Davis] [Photos via BFA]
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