eBay Launches My Gadgets

eBay Launches My Gadgets
Harley Viera NewtonHealey Cypher [Harley Viera Newton] [Healey Cypher] Where: No.8 Who was there: Guests included Harley Viera Newton, Healey Cypher, Lewis Gunter, Gina Jin, Tyler Spalding, Carrie Ramirez, Kendrick Sadler, Tina Trinh, Amanda Cossee, and Dan Cohen. Other details: Last night, eBay celebrated the launch of their new product called "My Gadgets." It will allow users catalog the tech devices they have and appraise them. So, if you decide to get rid of your electronics (iOS, PC, television), "My Gadgets" will be able to tell you how much you can sell it for. [Photos via BFA]
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