Kreemart performances hosted by W Magazine and American Patrons of the Tate

Kreemart performances hosted by W Magazine and American Patrons of the Tate featuring artists Janaina Tschape, Terence Koh, Olaf Breuning, Angel Otero, Ryan McNamara, Maria Jose Arjona, Sandra Gamarra
Where: Haunch of Venison Who was there: Anthony Haden Guest, Raphael Castoriano, Maria Jose Arjona, David Ebony, Emilio Steinberger, Rachel Lehmann, Angel Otero, David Lipke, Zev Eisenberg, Joe Wiese, Jovana Stokic, Judah Nathanson, May Anderson, Emma Hall, Luke Weil, Bettina Prentice, Teresita Fernandez, Raphael Castoriano, Ryan McNamara, David Darrisaw, Daquan Garcia, and Johnathan Dugar. Other details: Live art perforamances occurred, including Olaf Breuning monkees which danced around the space. [Anthony Haden Guest, Raphael Castoriano] [Photos via]
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