people for the american way foundation's 30th anniversary celebration in new york

People For The American Way Foundation's 30th Anniversary Celebration In New York Where: 15 Central Park West Who was there: Guests included Bill Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Bill Moyers, Doris Roberts, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, The Nation Editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel, and President and CEO of AMC Networks Inc. Josh Sapan, Norman Lear, and Michael Keegan. Other details: People For the American Way Foundation is celebrated their 30th birthday. Norman Lear, prodigious champion of barrier-breaking TV and dedicated civil rights activist, founded People For the American Way in 1981 along with Barbara Jordan (the first black woman from a Southern state to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives), Andrew Heiskell (Chairman and CEO of Time Inc.), Father Theodore Hesburgh (President of Notre Dame University), and other leaders from the political, religious, business, and entertainment communities. The aim was to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans. [Bill Clinton, Susie Davis, Photo via BFA]
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