Burberry Presents Marika Hackman to Celebrate the Launch of Their New Eyewear Collection
Where: Burberry Soho
Who was there: Guests included Cara Delevingne, Marika Hackman, Mike Nouveau, Steven Rojas, Naomi Thomas, Fiona Byrne, Dani Stahl, Patricia Van Der Vliet, Matthew Siskin, Michelle Siwy, Justin Tarquinio, Susan Plagemann, George Kolasa, Lauren Richards, Sarah Howard, Jay Errico, Luigi Tadini, and Max Vallot.
Cara Delevingne (
@Caradelevingne) tweeted:
So happy to see my friend from Bedales Marika Hackman doing burberry. Wishing her luck in her first gig in NY.
[Photo: Marika Hackman via Twitter]