Worldfund's 3rd Annual Summer Fiesta

Worldfund's 3rd Annual Summer Fiesta
Go HERE for our photos by Marko Krunic! Where: The Bowery Hotel Other details: Guests gathered at the Bowery Hotel last night to support the Worldfund's mission to deliver world-class training and ongoing support to teachers and principals from under-served schools in Latin America. This event was hosted by Worldfund's Junior & Subcommittee Members: Francesca de la Rama, Francesca Gottardo, Lila Ontiveros, Rachel Quigley, Camila Rachmanis, Erin Sale, Sandra Trevino, Johanna Anchundia, Sarah Bernstein, Santiago Dañino-Beck, Dante DiCicco, Kate McCoubrey, Michelle Shemilt, Carla Vass, Dallas Warren, and Sarah Watterson. Go HERE for our interview with the WorldFund's Junior Committee!
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