The Headstrong Project To Host The First Ever Words Of War Event

The Headstrong Project To Host The First Ever Words Of War Event
Go HERE for our interview with The Headstrong Project's Executive Director, Zachary Iscol! [Zach Iscol, Jake Gyllenhaal] [Amy Sacco, Meredith Melling-Burke] Where: IAC HQ Who was there: Guests included Jake Gyllenhaal, Zach Iscol, Anna Chlumsky, Amy Sacco, Meredith Melling-Burke, Sean So, Garret Anderson, Anthony Edwards, Joanne Tucker, Jamie Hector, Bryan Doerries, and Gerardo Mena. Other details: The Headstrong Project, a nonprofit dedicated to providing free mental healthcare to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, held its Words of War fundraiser at the IAC building last night. The cocktail benefit was preceded by a livestream Google Hangout, where authors Matt Gallagher, Garrett Anderson, Gerardo Mena, William Tresede, and Elizabeth Paul discussed their experiences at war with moderator Anthony Edwards. During the event, moving, military-themed photographs were projected onto the walls as speakers including Jake Gyllenhaal read powerful poetry expressing the experiences and aftermath of serving on the front lines. [Zach Iscol, Actress Anna Chlumsky, Shaun So] After a performance of Sophocles's Ajax (which was supposed to include Adam Driver, who unfortunately got stuck on the set of Girls) by Joanne Tucker, Jamie Hector and Brian Doerries of Theater of War, an auction to raise funds kicked off with Gyllenhaal making the first pledge--a $5000 donation towards training efforts in a new treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Guests were urged by Headstrong's Executive Director, Zachary Iscol, to seek out the veterans in attendance who were asked to wear poppy flowers, and strike up conversations with them to hear their stories. With drinks provided by Tito's Vodka, Bulldog Gin, and Pabst Blue Ribbon, the crowd had no trouble being social. [Dave Petrucco] [Photos via Mike Coppola/GettyImages]
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