Jeffrey Deitch's Final Show Draws A Crowd on May Day

by ALISON KRAWCZYK · May 7, 2010

    [ All images by Nina Westervelt for Vogue] Last Saturday was Jeffrey Deitch's final show in New York City with the opening of Shepard Fairey's "May Day". Deitch is on his way to become the new director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.-

    The show opened on May 1, but the multi-dimensional title of the exhibition refers also to spring and a rebirth, many countries' Labor Day, and it is also a term used by pilots in times of emergency.

    The featured works range from prints of an off-kilter American flag, a portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and a floor to ceiling May Day mural. Each piece uses a deep red, and dark blue color scheme; very reminiscent to Shepard's "Obama Hope" poster.

    The show attracted mobs of people. Included in the crowd were Russel Simmons, Tyson Beckford, and Waris Ahluwalia. The line to the gallery extended out the door and around the corner. If you were unable to see the show on May Day, fear not, the show runs until May 29.
