You NEED To Visit The New York Aquarium's New Shark Exhibit

by Christie Grimm · June 28, 2018

    Starting June 30th, every week will be Shark Week in New York. You know, if you're into that kind of thing.

    After much anticipation, the New York Aquarium will open their latest permanent exhibit, “Ocean Wonders: Sharks!” And perfect timing, no? Because who doesn't want to be reminded of our our sharp-toothed friends during beach season!

    Housing over 115 marine species, including 18 different kinds of sharks and rays, the show's pièce de résistance is its long tunnel walkway, which will give visitors the chance to observe the underwater goings on of a coral reef, with blacktip reef sharks, butterflyfish, and zebra sharks swimming overhead.

    Apparently the whole project cost the aquarium $158 million to create - so really, showing up once is the least you can do! 

    [Photo via]