Jewels And Scents

Jewels And Scents
Diptyque on BleeckerNo Parisian woman would be caught dead without her fabulous jewelry and a fresh scent. If you haven't burned a hole in your pocket yet, pick up some intricate jewelry at Gas Bijoux. Here in Andre Gas's boutique, you can search for your newest pair of dangly earrings and all the while be transported to Paris as Edith Piaf's voice fills the store. Now you just need a new scent to match your French ensemble. For this, you must go to Diptyque, a famous high-end Parisian perfumery. This iconic French fragrance boutique is sure to sweep you off your feet with its priceless chandeliers, marble tables, and flatscreen TVs. Even if it may seem absurd to spend more than $50 on a candle, pop into Diptyque at least for the experience of elegance. Gas Bijoux 325 Bleecker Street (212) 229-2495 Diptyque 377 Bleecker Street (212) 242-2333 [Photo via]
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