The Nightlifer

The Nightlifer
I’ve already beaten this Nightlifer topic to death, but that won’t stop some women from convincing themselves they’ll be the exception to the dating-a-nightlifer rule. I'll reiterate. If he's boyfriend material, then consider him the 1%... of the nightlifer population. More power to you for getting a good one. The thing about New York is that its heavy party scene allows nightlife to be a legitimate and lucrative career option. At the same time, it's one that isn't particularly conducive to the type of relationship women want and deserve. When part of the job description includes excessive flirting to garner tips and build clientele, you can't count on the fact that your interactions with this dude are unique. No matter how faithful he claims to be, I don't want my boyfriend ripping shots of patron all night with scantily-clad women, and strolling home at 5 a.m. It's not me, it's your job. [Photo via]
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