The Starving Artist

The Starving Artist
This guy takes "cheap date" to a whole new level. Every girl is a sucker for the sexy, mysterious starving artist type at some point in her life, but try being wined and dined by one. The dreamy musician/actor is fun to be serenaded by, but don't be surprised if his more broody, emo self is resurrected when the waiter brings the check. I once had a starving artist tell me what section of the menu I could order from. Um, awkward. I'm all about women's liberation and women paying on a date, etc. But the problem with this dude is the fact that he actually can't afford to pay AND his Napoleon complex gets offended when you offer to pay. When a guy lets on to being stressed about money, it's just uncomfortable for all parties involved. It's way too early to be sharing financial concerns. [Photo via]
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