[The Beatrice Inn via Ashley Simko]
Graydon Carter and his partner Emil Varda have been quietly hosting parties in their glammified version of the little basement on W.12th street all month. Now, they are finally ready for dinner to be served, and we got a seat at their friends and family table last night. What's changed? Well, the ceilings are a heck of a lot higher in the back room (due to them lowering the floor), there is a giant zebra painting up on the wall where the famous American Flag behind the DJ booth used to hang, and there are people working there that actually looked like they have had a shower this week. Oh, and practically everything else! Click below to see what the Beatrice Inn looked like way back when....
Go HERE to see what this looked like back in 2008.
[Why We'll Never Call Something "The New Beatrice" Again]
[The Beatrice Inn: Where Are They Now?]
[Deconstructing Gawker's Beatrice Inn Diaspora]