Hold Up... Sarah Palin Is Still Dining Out *After* Testing Positive For COVID?!

by Stephanie Maida · January 27, 2022

    Sarah Palin: 9th governor of Alaska, former vice presidential candidate, and absolute menace to the Upper East Side.

    You've probably heard by now that the outspoken anti-vaxxer flouted New York City's vaccination rules on Saturday to dine indoors at old school Italian restaurant and celebrity haunt, Elio's. Then - surprise, surprise! - it was publicly revealed that she tested positive for COVID just a couple of days later, effectively delaying the defamation trial (against the New York Times) that she's actually in town for.

    So, like, she's holed up in her hotel room waiting for a negative result now, right?

    Uh, nope!

    Instead of quarantining, Ms. Doesn't-Give-A-Fuck-About-Anyone has continued to go out on the town... while positive... for COVID. 

    On Tuesday, she was spotted dining al fresco at another UES Italian spot, Campagnola, and on Wednesday, after causing the whole ordeal, returned to the scene of the crime, Elio's, to eat there AGAIN. Knowing full well that she was COVID positive since, after all, they were at the center of the scandal, the restaurant actually let her patronize the place again for some reason. Sure, they sat her outside this time, but really?!

    "Tonight Sarah Palin returned to the restaurant to apologize for the fracas around her previous visit," Elio’s manager, Luca Guaitolini, said in a statement Wednesday night according to Gothamist. "In accordance with the vaccine mandate and to protect our staff, we seated her outdoors … We are a restaurant open to the public, and we treat civilians the same."

    Treating civilians "the same" is one thing, but knowingly putting the health of your staff and fellow diners at risk? Come on. 

    As for Palin? Well, we really didn't expect common sense, empathy, or decency from her in the first place. So if you happen to spot Typhoid Sarah traipsing around the city maskless, we suggest you head in the opposite direction.

    [Photo via Freedomnews.tv]