Everyone is single.

This picture is a lie! No one in New York is in a relationship and no one in New York feels compelled to do this in Times Square or even go to Times Square - full stop. (This chick doesn't live in the city, BTW.) Only boring people in New York get married before the age of 30 these days. Publications will make it seem like it's because everyone's flitting from one person to the next and getting laid all the time and fuckboys are rampant. Really, this is not the case. People are consumed by...I don't know...having a life? Creating a successful career? Attending to their family and friends? Making time for themselves? Sex and the City gave you the wrong idea about how often people sleep and date around. Yes, there's people like that, but a lot of the time, dating and settling down isn't a priority. After all, you're only young once, right?

[Photo via @helenowen]

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