Christian Gerhartsreiter

You may not know the name Christian Gerhartsreiter, and it's not just because it's a name that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. And that's okay, because he doesn't really want to be known by that name either, which is why he pretended to be a member of one of the most notorious old money families in history, and went by the name "Clark Rockefeller" instead. Oh, what some of us will do in the name of a name, and if it leads to sociopathic activity in order to pretend to be rich, so be it! 

He stole the identity of an American he spent time with in his native Germany in order to obtain U.S. citizenship. He then moved to Wisconsin and married a Midwestern woman to obtain his green card. Not exactly the romance Nicholas Sparks writes about, but if it leads to legal citizenship, hey, this is the land of opportunity!

For obvious reasons, that marriage did not work out. So after his divorce, Clark - uh, oh yeah, we mean Christian - swindled his way to the top through some more identity theft and landed in the arms of McKinsey exec Sandra Boss, who he married and had a daughter with. Sandra eventually discovered that Christian lied about his identity and swiftly divorced him. Clark was eventually arrested for attempting to kidnap his daughter and got a number of other felonies tacked on to his record as well, including identity theft and the murder of Jonathan Sohus, whose identity Christian stole at one point.

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