Tagging Your Outfit On Instagram

Unless you're an actual Instagram person, oh what an ill fitting gesture. Sure. I love those boots that you're wearing. And sure, I'm racking my market knowledge to try and piece together who I think makes them. And sure, it'd be helpful if you just tagged Prada - but no! You're better than that! It's bad enough that we live in such a logo world, you don't have to obnoxiously throw your receipts in people's faces.

Just wait for someone to ask you in the comments. If your outfit's that good, trust, they will. Sorry to say, but sans solicitation, you might as well be adding #desperate to that post. Desperate for people to know what you're wearing, desperate to try and grab the brand's attention for some free stuff. Either way you cut it, not a cute look.

[Photo via @weworewhat]

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