We Heart Charity: GofG Is Getting Its Philanthropy On, And So Can You!

by SARAH MANDATO · May 13, 2009

    OMFG - what is that adorable, new logo thingy widget on the right sidebar, you ask? Charity you say? No it's not the name of an exotic dancer, rather It's the link to our BRAND NEW CHARITY PLATFORM! Times are tough, and some of the hardest hit are those organizations which are the most deserving. Philanthropy is such a large part of being social in New York, so if we are going to mingle and imbibe, then let's do it for a good cause! You can go to our charity page to learn about upcoming charity events in the city, buy tickets or donate. Charities can learn how to sign up after the jump...

    If you work with an organization you want profiled, just register and send a note letting me (sarah@guestofaguest.com) know your involvement so I can set you up with an admin account. I look forward to working with you!