Who *Wasn't* At Paul's Casablanca On Sunday?

by Stephanie Maida · June 1, 2021

    Capacity restrictions and curfews are officially no more, meaning nature (read: nightlife) is healing here in NYC.

    And if you needed a sign, well, here's a look at the line outside of Paul's Casablanca on Sunday.

    In addition to Paul Sevigny himself, his sister Chloe of course, and the usual suspects like Olivier Zahm, Sophia Lamar, et al., just about every respectable (or decidedly unrespectable) party person in the city returned to the Moroccan-themed disco for its much-anticipated reopening bash on May 30th.

    While photos from the inside are still frowned upon, that didn't stop just about everyone we know who wasn't in the Hamptons from Insta-storying the disco ball into the wee hours.

    Now that Morrissey Night is back in the books, can we expect Baby Grand's comeback next?

    [Photos via @nydoorman]