Asking out a girl

Dear @HauteNight, I've been in touch with a girl I met recently while out partying. We've been texting every day. I asked her out on two dates, but she came up with reasons why she can't meet me. Should I ask her out a third time? Kevin
Kevin, DO NOT ask her out a third time, it’s time to take a step back. She may not be interested anymore or you are making yourself too available. Nobody wants a pushover. Women are just like men and you have to give her a little bit of a challenge to keep her interested. If you’re initiating all the contact it’s probably a bad sign. Give her some radio silence and let her wonder why you aren’t trying to get in touch with her. If you don’t hear from her, move on. If you do get a text from her, don’t respond back the second you get it. Let it sit for a few minutes and then get back to her. You don’t want to come off as overly anxious. If she’s a party girl, chances are you are not her only suitor. She may carry on text relationships with multiple guys at once. I know plenty of girls who like to keep their options open. My rule is I will ask a girl out two times max. If she makes plans then flakes, I will leave the ball in her court. When it comes down to it, if somebody really wants to make time for you, they will. Now there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes people are legitimately busy. However, it’s more likely she’s not that interested. A lot of this may come off as some sort of immature game. However, more often than not the game is unavoidable, especially when you first meet someone. Better to know you’re playing from the get go then to find out once you’ve already lost.
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