Winning Girls Over

Winning Girls Over
Question: What type of things have guys done to win you over? [ I got plenty of really great responses. You be surprised at how simple some of them are. Apparently, chivalry is not dead, it can actually go a long way. Little things like holding the door open for a lady, holding your umbrella over her if it's raining and cooking for her really work. Being sweet isn't necessarily a turn off, you just have to play it right ] - - - - - [This could be you]
Best Responses:
  • I know right away if I want a guy or not. if i like him there's not much he needs to do. If I'm not interested there is no way to get with me, no matter what he tries.
  • I gave my number to a guy I had know about a minute, because he saw my girl and I standing in the rain and got us ponchos. Very random and sweet move.
  • I'm more impressed by how he makes me feel than by how extravagant he is. Two of my favorite dates were 1.) It went from day to night, just making our way around NYC, low key the whole time. Lots of hand holding. 2.) He listened to me so well he went out of his way to find a restaurant that served my favorite dish.
  • He flew me to Florence, Venice, and Paris. (Obviously a model)
  • I'm never impressed dudes don't know how to act these days. The more traditional the behavior the better though.
  • Nothing, you all suck.
  • Asked for my favorite color and the whole day prior to our date I kept receiving flowers, notes, cards, he even wore something that color(purple at the time). He even got the restaurant to add a purple tablecloth.
  • Wrote a song about me, recorded it, and put it on Facebook. Painted me a painting (He was an artist).
In conclusion, being a gentleman is highly valued these days. You just have to do it without coming off weak. Be respectful and introduce yourself when you first meet a girl. Don't sneak attack her. Then you have to PAY ATTENTION. The little things you pick up on can prove to be the most important. Think outside the box. You are not the only guy trying to get with a girl. Do whatever you can to separate yourself from the pack. In the end, just try to be yourself. If you actually like this girl, you want her to like the person you actually are. Not the one you pretend to be. You can only maintain that facade for so long. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more girls will pick up on that and respond favorably. - Sean is a blogger and nightlife promoter at various venues throughout the city. You can read more of his articles and stories at: You can contact him @
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