Slide #8

It seems that his first big break came early in his photography career. DJ NVM knew another DJ that was good friends with Redfoo and Sky Blu of LMAFO. They were scheduled to perform at Greenhouse and NVM introduced Kirill to the GM at the time Megan Gavors . He ended up getting full access to shoot the group ,who were just starting reach the peak of their popularity. “It was my 20th gallery in when I shot LMFAO at Greenhouse. There was literally no one there. They bought the photos and used them for the back cover of their album. I couldn’t believe that I was getting recognized my third week on the scene.” However, the brand was still young. I think getting cosigned from people that I respect like Johnny Lennon and Little John later on, made me think that this was really going somewhere.’ Our conversation shifts to the state of the New York nightlife scene and how it’s changed since he started documenting it. “I feel like it lost a good amount of energy. It seems less fun lately. The hipster movement hasn’t helped; they’re too cool to party. Every ones too busy sitting around tweeting about how crazy the party is. People shit on Bridge and Tunnel crowds but those are the people that save up their money and appreciate what they have. They rage and are more fun to shoot. The people out four times a week are kind of jaded. They’re not going to spray champagne and loose their minds. I love rooms like Lavo and Riff Raffs because they go crazy.”
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