Guest Of A Guest Got A Makeover, And A Party To Celebrate

by guestofaguest · November 17, 2009

    Go HERE for more photos by Keith Lew, HERE for photos by Dylan Armajani, and HERE for photos by JT White, and tag yourself and your friends!


    We rebuilt our site, one block at a time, and launched our re-design. Last night, friends of Guest of a Guest helped us celebrate...

    One thing's for sure: there was plenty to entertain at last night's event. Plenty of people to meet and mingle with of course, multiple skirmishes going on at any given time, in nearly every corner of the bar, Hornitos tequila to fuel said skirmishes, and, best of all, Jenga, Pac Man, and checkers galore.


    Guests included Tinsley Mortimer, Dabney Mercer, Paul Johnson-Calderon, Devorah Rose, and their respective film crews, Designer Keith Lissner (who Rachelle was wearing) Mediaite's Andrew Cedotal and Rachel Sklar, Lockhart Steele, Stephanie Wei, Cristina Civetta, Kristian Laliberte, Brian Stelter, Soraya Darabi, Adrien Field, Gregory Littley, Tim Morehouse, Caroline McCarthy, Malik So Chik, and Andrew Bevan. Also among the guests were  representatives from Morpheus Media, Ogilvy, OMD, SMG United, Mindshare, PHD, MediaEdge, Initiative, Carat, MPG, MaxusGlobal, Polo Ralph Lauren, Gilt Group, John Hardy, Gucci, g-Star, and Victoria's Secret.


    Afterwards, Rachelle and other guests including  The Mayor of Meatpacking himself, headed over to SoHo house for what became the unofficial after party, while others headed over to The Standard for late-night partying.


    Ashley Simko, Kyle Hotchkiss Carone, Stephanie Wei, Danny Shea

    Cristina Civetta                              Kristian Laliberte, Annabel Vartanian

    JT White, Tim Morehouse    Clair Cain Miller, Soraya Darabi, Brian Stelter, Rachelle Hruska

    Gregory Littley, Matt Oliver, James Brooks, Adrien Field

    Colman Lynch, Heather Pitsch, Michail Savary   Roberto Monticello

    Danielle Degregory, Devorah Rose, Katie Floyd  Jared Clark

    Keith Lissner, Rachelle Hruska, Paul Johnson-Calderon Sarah Mandato, James Brooks, Chrissy Coolidge

    Andrew Cedotal, Hana Jung,                         Richard Blakeley

    Andrea Rosen, Andrew Kucoff, Drew Grant, Lockhart Steele, Caroline McCarthy

    Cary Randolph Fuller, Kate Greer          Malik So Chic, Dale Mercer

    Andrew Bevan, Ashley Simko

    James Brooks, Carson Griffith        William Gray, Chrissy Coolidge

    Lockhart Steele, Peter Feld, Rex Sorgatz, Dan Maccarone, Melissa Delancey Tinsley Mortimer, Malik So Chic, Dabney Mercer

    The GofG Photographers: Dylan Armajani, Lenny Emery, Keith Lew, JT White