Egg Cream

Egg Cream
And because every drinking party needs a little dessert, we've included the sweeter side of historic sipping.  Although not originally an alcoholic beverage, the world's drinkers have recreated this soda fountain offering for the 21+ set.  And it's not like this drink even has eggs or cream or ice cream in it, so what's a little recipe modification? The first egg creams were first served at candy shops and soda fountains in NYC in the late 1800s, with a number of sellers claiming to have originated the milk, flavored syrup (chocolate for a Brooklyn Egg Cream, vanilla for a New York Egg Cream), and seltzer water classic.  Among the names thrown around are East Village newsstand Gem Spa (which is still open) and 19th century Yiddish actor Boris Thomashevsky.  The soda fountain frontrunner, however, seems to be Louis Auster, who reportedly invented the drink in 1890 at his candy shop in Brooklyn. Nowadays, you can grab a classic egg cream at Ray's Candy Store in the East Village and Dun-Well Doughnuts in Brooklyn, among other sweet looking spots.  If you're looking to go alcoholic though, you may have to go BYO. [Photo via]
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