"Best $2k I Ever Spent!" The "Last Night In Dodge" Party At The Bowery Electric

by Rachelle Hruska · March 9, 2009

    Go HERE for more photos by BRIAN VAN NIEUWENHOVEN and HERE for photos by NICK MCGLYNN and TAG YOURSELF and YOUR FRIENDS!

    Friday night, Dodgeball fans everywhere joined forces at The Bowery Electric to mourn the loss of their beloved internet platform.  And, instead of writing up on the event, which you can pretty much get a good idea of by browsing through our photos, you can read Caroline McCarthy's writeup here, and I will share with you what Cajun Boy had to say about the party....

    "Next Friday, less than a week from today, a small group of New York City web nerds will gather in a fetid den of imbibery just north or south of Houston street to mourn the demise of an utterly retarded web 2.0 application used exclusively by them called “Dodgeball.” They will collectively refer to this gathering as the “Last Night In Dodge” in countless Tweets, Tumblr posts, text messages, and just about any other electronic medium that a human being living in the 21st century can convey electronic messages through....

    More story and photos below...

    The participants take an absurd number of photographs themselves and others simulating various stages of inebriation and next day post-celebratory hangoverness, which they will then use to litter every nook and cranny of the internet, but primarily around the immediate proximity of its crusty asshole. This will annoy you to the point of inciting a palpable desire to stab yourself repeatedly in the genitals with a rusty railroad spike and you’ll find yourself wondering, “didn’t these same twats act out this exact same ritual at least a dozen times already?” The answer is yes, they did, you’re not slowly descending into madness and it’s not Groundhog Day, and they will continue to do the exact same thing on a bi-monthly basis at minimum from here until the end of time. And the world will spin madly on.

    Just in case you were wondering."