"Best $2k I Ever Spent!" Jonathan Famous' 25th Birthday At Almacen

by Rachelle Hruska · December 30, 2008

    [Jonathan Famous gets some birthday love]

    It may have landed close to the Holiday festivities, but that didn't stop several of Jonathan Sollis (aka Johnny Famous)'s friends from gathering to celebrate his 25th birthday.  The party was held at Almacen, the new restaurant in Williamsburg (Driggs between north 7th and 6th), owned by Florencia Galaraza, friend of the birthday boy.  The entire place was shut down for Johnny Boy and his friends including many of our LOLA friends, as well as lots of cute babes....All present, in Brooklyn to celebrate the true mayor of nolita.

    [Daily Style Phile: Jonathan Famous, The True Mayor Of Nolita]

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