Exit Strategy

Electric RoomAt my hellish peak, I worked full time, attended evening classes, hosted parties and had a demanding, manipulative affair! I never knew when I’d come home but I always knew when to leave anywhere. Learning when to exit a party is a skill that comes with experience. At first, you will stay out until everyone deserts you because you’re hoping for something to happen. Later, you’ll know that something rarely does. Until then, be prepared with extra clothes and deodorant so when you've dropped off Michael Pitt at the morning rave you can make it to your breakfast date. (Affairs have weird date times, OK?) The goal is to do something that makes everyone talk about you (get naked, break-up a couple, throw a drink in someone’s face or fall on your face) then disappear. You want them all to wonder where you are, while they’re stomping on empty cups in search of a Taxi and you've got your face mask on in bed. [Photo via @electricroomnyc]
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