The "Nerd Alert" Report...

by Rachelle Hruska · April 2, 2009

    Our favorite Wino, Gary Vaynerchuk signed a 7-figure, 10 book deal with Harper Studio today! The first book in his series, "Crush It! Turn Your Passion into Profits in a Digital World." Well, now we don't feel so indebted to all those free cases of wine he brought out to us at SXSW [WSJ]

    There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second.  The solution? It comes from a yellow-pad sketch of course! [Twitter Blog]

    Ben Jai of Google, unveiled a modern Google server (for the first time ever) before the hungry eves of a technically sophisticated audience in Mountain View, CA. "It may sound geeky, but a number of attendees--the kind of folks who run data centers packed with thousands of servers for a living--were surprised not only by Google's built-in battery approach, but by the fact that the company has kept it secret for years." [CNET]

    Digg's new toolbar launched today.  If you are so excited that you MUST try it out immediately, just add "" before any URL at all! [Digg Blog]

    100 Must-Read Books: The Essential Man's Library. Straight from "The Art of Manliness." [Manliness]

    In the last six weeks, Zuckerberg has committed three management fouls that would have led to any normal CEO's firing: The terms of service disaster, the awful redesign, management chaos.  So what is the board to do? Owen Thomas thinks he has the answer, of course. [Valleywag]

    Why should content creators embrace Twitter over rss? Well, for starters, it provides publishers with several key advantages over rss, namely the ability to control brand and force traffic back to their monetized site. [Jeff Nolan]

    Stanford course on how to build iPhone Apps will soon be available on the iPhone. Why pay to go to Stanford when you can get the lecture on iTunes for free? [Tech Crunch]