She Keeps Bees

Band: She Keeps Bees Who: Singer Jessica Larrabee CMJ Show: Oct. 21, 12:45 a.m. at The Paper Box Link: 1.) How would you describe your personal style? Has it changed since you guys began? Boring! T-shirts, jeans, boots - we live out of a bag, so whatever happens to be sitting on top that day. 2) What can you not perform or party without? My bag with my journal, magic rocks, books and tarot cards. My box of 45s, rosewater, and my wax cotton jacket from the UK -- ready for anything! 3) Do you have a favorite place to shop in NYC? We don't shop that often, but when we lived in Brooklyn it was Green Village on Starr St in Bushwick. It's a great place to find something you never knew you needed. [Photo via]
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