We love your knowledge of all things bygone. What's the ultimate thing you wish you can revive?

Life magazine - and in general, a less insane and teeming media landscape, so books and movies and other works could enjoy a larger platform once again. For instance, when Life magazine did a profile on Jackson Pollock in 1949, everyone in the country read it. It basically made his reputation.  Same when Life ran Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea in 1952 the magazine sold more than 5 million copies within the first 48 hours alone.  Simply everyone read it, so many people at once that it actually spooked Hemingway out.  These days, there is so much of everything: websites, streaming services, magazines, the works - everything seems to be getting drowned out.  It's harder to learn about things, and figure out what really matters.  Then again, cream always does seem to rise to the top. 

[Photo via Getty]

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