Are there common questions, common relationship pitfalls you see?

Isaac Likes JennyI: You know how to know if it's an American asking the question? Because America, especially New York, [it's] about dating exclusivity, it's always like, 'so I've been seeing this guy for a little bit, how do I turn it into an exclusive relationship,' or 'I've been dating this guy, we were open in the beginning but now I want to just be monogamous'. There are a lot of situations where 'I was dating this guy, everything was going really well, and suddenly he disappeared and i haven't heard from him in 3 weeks, like are we still together?' And there's a lot of people that ask, if someone is unfaithful, whether they should forgive them or not. Do you give Isaac advice now when he get's these questions? J: Yeah, we discuss stuff; for the record I always agree with everything he says. Sometimes I read his blog and I'll read a question and I feel like how do I actually [answer] the question, it's a really really tough question and I think he does a really really good job of making it accessible for everyone. You share the same values... J: Pretty much, every now and then we have difference of opinion on things, but... I: I think we're both not into non-exclusive relationships, like if you're dating one person, you're dating that one person you're, not dating 3 different people. I think we come from similar backgrounds, we've got a similar value system for sure. J: And I think we're quite black and white about things. I: We're both pragmatic.
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