How did you two meet?

Isaac Likes JennyJ: We met in New Zealand during fashion week in 2010, and I met Isaac at an after-party for Stolen Girlfriends Club. He started dancing up on me and taking photos without me knowing it and posted it on his blog. So that's your recommended way to meet girls. I: Definitely. Dance up on them. I: Check (laughs) J: I didn't know anyone in New Zealand, and I didn't have a car, so Isaac and I became really inseparable from that moment on, hanging out everyday in New Zealand. We went to Paris together, a couple months later, just as friends. I had a boyfriend at the time. Waiting in the wings (laughs). Oh so that's the move then. Lay in the groundwork. J: The long game. So we were hanging out every single day for the past five years, just as friends. And we only got together as boyfriend and girlfriend in May this year.
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