In your experience, what does art offer veterans?

This fundraiser focuses on writing as a medium—veterans are invited to submit pieces to win an all-expense paid trip to New York for the fundraiser. In your experience, what does art offer veterans?
It's been amazing. When we had this idea to put out a call for writing, I sort of said to myself, "Maybe we'll get a few submissions." We've had over 70 in just a few weeks, and we haven't really pushed this out. What's really been interesting is not only how willing people are, but how there's almost a visceral need to tell their story. And it's not easy stuff. Some of these poems, some of these stories—they're not easy things to share, and it's all based on real-life experience. But I think there's something in the confessional that's cathartic. So I do think that's part of the healing process. Now, this isn't the panacea, it's not the cure-all. We have a very rigorous, evidence-based treatment program at Cornell where we do really significant substance abuse treatment and treat a number of patients who are at very high-risk of suicide. So for them, writing down your words isn't necessarily going to be helpful. It could be, but they need real treatment from medical professionals. But I think for a lot of veterans, telling your story is a way of moving on. [Photo via]
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