Goldbar Re-Opening

Moving to the weekly party FUNDAY, you did one in Art Basel.  How was that party? JL: I do one in Art Basel every year, and that party is amazing.  I mean people were flying from all over the place for that party.  The hotel was worried because "you're not promoting it! We don't see the promotion! We don't see the promotion!"  I was like if I promote it too much...I mean we can only fit 180 people and we had hundreds and hundreds of people show up. So you predominantly rely on word of mouth? JL: I mean, there are a lot of ways to reach out to people that aren't your normal channels of promotion, like really tacky Facebook stuff...that kind of promotion we aren't looking to do. SR: We're lucky to have an intimate room that allows us to really handpick who's going to be in the room. And one thing I've always loved about Goldbar, and I think Jonny is the guy who really cultivated this in a big way, is that when you walk into the space, there's a very familial type of atmosphere. The people who come here come here religiously; they're here all the time.  This is their home, this is their go-to place and all we want to do is add to that family, make it bigger so that more people get to experience it.  It's a great energy in the room when so many people know each other and feel comfortable with each other, which allows them to let loose a little bit.
"I have people that have been coming here for 5 years that come in and still hug me and go 'I love this place man!" - Jonny Lennon
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