Slide #5

Besides Sound Graffiti and your Saturday Night Fever Night, is there anything else you have in the works? CNNCTD+ has a million things in the works, almost too many to mention. We have been doing a lot of video production and have some stuff coming out for Vogue Espana soon that should be interesting. We are getting involved with some big art fairs and doing a new art show very soon. The CNNCTD+100 is traveling -- we're going to be in Paris, we're going to London, we're going to Miami, fingers crossed that one day we'll get our way to Japan, but that’s still in the works. In addition to the Saturday Night Fever night, we are working on some other nightlife stuff with more of a performance element and more of a visual element. We like to surprise people. That's interesting, you're kind of fusing the club and art scene. We think there’s a lot of opportunity to be creative with nightlife, but people are scared to rock the boat. But now it’s getting to the point where everything is so stale that it’s almost riskier NOT to rock the boat. You need to do something to grab people’s attention because it’s waning. We're definitely looking to do more performance and art type stuff in a club, but where the art fits and the experience is interactive. Is there anyone that inspires you, do you take inspiration from anyone? I take inspiration from lots and lots of people, but of course my father is a huge inspiration. He was the one who first inspired the concept behind CNNCTD+100. He always told me about all the clubs he would go to. Studio 54 was one of them and there was another club called Forbidden Fruit. But he would always tell me stories about how these clubs were a blending of different people from wealthy to barely surviving, from the established, to the up and coming. And the people on top, whether you thought it or not, were taking inspiration from the poor kid, because they were piecing their outfits together with no money. Poor kids had nothing but creativity—not crutches. I didn’t realize it at the time but I think my father was sort of telling me that I could make an impact. With CNNCTD+100 we had all these big names but we wanted to put them next to the up-and-comers that we had a lot of faith in. Not just to inspire the people on their way up but also to inspire the people at the top. We believe staying relevant means staying connected with what is really happening at the street level. That’s what inspired the original CNNCTD magazine that I did and that’s what will inspire our new site. When are you planning on re-launching your site? The site will probably be out in June or July. We have a big concept for it that I think will grab people’s attention but also fit very naturally with who we are and what we have always done. So you have CNNCTD+100, Sound Graffiti, Saturday Night Fever, and a new website? Yeah! Nothing stops, I don't stop—even if I wanted to stop. I'm my own worst enemy. I've always been this way.
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