The exhibit that garnered the most attention this year was Bek Anderson's series of nude male portraits, one of which was plastered right on the storefront. How did the show come to be?
Well obviously Bek Anderson is Heather Anderson’s sister, and I’ve known Bek for as long as I’ve known Heather; we met the same night. We’ve wanted to work together for a long time; she’s an amazing portrait photographer. So the show was called 'CFNM,' clothed female naked male. The name in a lot of ways didn’t help the concept (laughs). This is her new thing: photographing men, naked in their own homes. And it was a project of hers she was interested in, and I said when you finish it, I want it shown here. It ended up being the biggest show we’ve done here.
[Bek Anderson, CFNM via @brionisaacs]