Where do you want to take Rivington Design House?

I don’t want to get a lot bigger, I just want to make more stuff. I want to make so many things. To be able to imprint on peoples minds is such an amazing opportunity. Honestly, we could get a giant space on a second floor in SoHo for what we’re paying for this, but we literally impact people here everyday, one way or the other when they walk by. I’d like to work with brands who have the ability to let us do everything we want. We’ve done some interiors now; I love interior design. Getting to design the interior of New York Pilates was great, so it’s getting even deeper into it. I would want it like with New York Pilates, where you don’t even make your own memos. It’s already designed for you. Heather Anderson, Brion Isaacs [Heather Anderson, Brion Isaacs via @brionisaacs]
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