Tell me about some of the other exhibits; my favorite is probably the Tara Jacoby exhibit.

That was a really fun opening. Everything we’ve ever done with Paul Richard has been amazing. He’s incredible; I think he’s one of the best street artists that exists. I think one of my greatest honors was working with him, and he did a portrait of me on the street, which is really cool. He’s a fine painter and he’s an amazing oil painter but he can do these drips in like minutes. Tom Witty, was a great show we did, with our friend Matt Witty, his brother who used to bartend at Beatrice when Franco and I worked there. Tom Witty, he does these crazy paper cutouts and his brother does these great drawings and then they did a show together, the brothers Witty. He’s blowing up. I love this one [Richard Clarkson]. I'm super proud of is my ongoing relationship producing art shows with Awol Erizku. One of my favorites ever was this Stefan Rurak show, where Stefan made these custom swings out of wood, he’s a woodworker, and he and I created an environment where we put moss on the floor and played bird sounds, so people could come in here all winter. It was really fun. Tara Jacoby [Photo via @brionisaacs]
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