David Stark

What is the best advice you have for young designers? Work really hard, and break the rules, but when you do so, make sure you do it BRILLIANTLY. Also, another thing that I think is really important: I never forget, for an instant, that I am in the service business. Yes, I am an artist/designer, but at the end of the day, I run a business that is first and foremost about service. Focus on that. You can be the most brilliant artist in the world, but if you are a pain to work with, if you don’t finish on time, if you come in over budget, if you lose your temper, if you are a diva, people will not want to hire you. I play a lot of roles: advisor, confidant, best friend, therapist, designer, artists, business person, teacher, and many more. Focus on balance to ensure a successful creative career. It’s critical. [Photo via]
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