David Stark

What does your own home look like? My home is eclectic, an ever changing gallery of ephemera and art pieces from the events that we do, art that I love and collect, and items from my travels around the world. I love hand-made things, and while I very rarely wear color, my apartment has a lot of it. I love the juxtaposition of things that should not necessarily go together, but do. In my head, I aspire to be a minimalist, but that takes a huge amount of discipline. And you know what? I don’t have it. What are your favorite stores in NYC that people may not know about? I look to my own backyard in Brooklyn for my local shopping fix. Luckily, there is a lot of cool stuff going on there. Many of the antique stores on Atlantic Avenue are great fun and chock full of inspiration. I love City Foundary, Darr, and Holler and Squall. In Manhattan, I love Mantiques Modern and Liza Sherman Antiques in the West Village. [Photo: David decorating the Diplomatic Reception Room in Washington via]
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