What will this event entail?

What will this event entail?
There will be music, a lot of stuff happening. We have twelve or thirteen sample sales, with a few brands that haven't been announced yet, but are really great. When you come in, you'll get a program, which is like a floor plan, with different booths on it that are color-coded as shopping, food, drinking, and the silent auction areas. Start with one of those, and depending on what you want first, plot your attack of the sapce. On the ground floor, if you come in via 14th street, there are six sample sale booths. Tippler is setting up a bar there, the DJs are playing, there's a coat check. Hit the Tippler, and since Morimoto and Zampa are there as well, get a bite, some sustenance, and get to shopping. Towards the back, in the first room, is where we are holding the silent auction, which is really incredible. If you move into the next room, on the first floor, that's where you'll see booths from the Standard Biergarten and The Whitney bookstore. In the next room we have a vignette by Arthouse, who have donated a whole room for the silent auction. There are six other bars and restaurants near the Standard that will be named at a later date. We had people on the host committee reach out and get DJs, so we'll have NANCY of LCD Soundsystem - it doesn't get better than that, and of course The Misshapes, which is excellent, along with some other really great sets. [Photo via]
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